DISCLAIMER: Always consult your own physician or your own health care professional before participating/performing exercise or any other fitness class for your own safety. Consulting your health care professional is advised to determine if our classes are appropriate for your physical condition and personal needs. By participating in the exercises and our classes, you are performing them at your own risk. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise class, there is the possibility of physical injury and other injury. If you engage in our exercise classes/sessions, you agree that you do so on your own accord, and by voluntarily participating in these activities, you assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge AngieforFItness and its owner(s) from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims. All content provided in class belongs to AngieforFitness. If pregnant, or if you have any physical limitations or physical, or any concerns whatsoever, please consult with your health-care practitioner before working out or engaging with our offerings. While your instructor or owner here may be a medically licensed individual, that licensing or medical service capacity of the instructor or owner is not part of any services offered here, and should not be considered part of your purchased or free consultation services. You should consult with your own health-care practitioner before working out or purchasing our services.